It is clearly evident that more transparency, accountability and engagement is still needed from companies when measuring and reporting on their environmental and social impacts. There is also a greater need for the digitalisation of not just sustainability reporting, but corporate reporting as a whole, that would enable these needs to be met.
Digital responsive reporting (not an interactive PDF) has already begun shaping the future of corporate reporting in Europe and will eventually be the trend if not requirement in Asia too.
A lot of time and resources are invested into putting together a sustainability report, but little or no effort is really put into what happens to the report once it is completed. Hence the current lack of transparency and communication of sustainability efforts with stakeholders.
The traditional forms of reporting such as print and PDF, are simply no match to digital responsive reporting. This is clear in the advantages that comes with this format of reporting:
Additionally, digital reporting can help streamline data management, reduce paper waste, and promote a more sustainable approach to reporting overall.